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December offers full month of cultural celebrations

December offers full month of cultural celebrations

Have you ever been told Happy Holidays as December approached? There is more to that phrase than you know! Not only is Christmas a widely celebrated holiday during this time, but many other holidays are celebrated throughout the world religiously and culturally.

The first holiday that starts off in the month of December is Saint Nicholas Day which is conjoined with The Feast of SinterKlaas. This holiday is celebrated on December 6th (and 5th). It is a Christian holiday which is in remembrance of the bishop St. Nicholas. Whilst giving gifts anonymously to children, he continuously gained more popularity and as more countries began to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day. There were firm believers in the eve and that brought upon The Feast of Sinterklaas, children would leave out their shoes and leave carrots and hay for his horses at night time so they could give back in a way to show respect for receiving gifts. The countries and groups that do participate in this holiday do have their own traditions and storytelling.

Hanukkah, also known as The Festival of Lights, is the next holiday which is celebrated from December 7th and it ends on the 15th. It’s a Jewish holiday. How the holiday is celebrated is by lighting a menorah (candle holder). It is lit for 8 days, there are 9 days but, the additional candle is used to light the other candles. Every day, they would add a candle to the menorah and light it. As this goes on for 8 days, prayers, songs, blessings and gifts are all shared. There are foods that are traditional for Hanukkah which are deep-fried jelly donuts (sufganiyot) and potato pancakes (latkes). As the night ends, there is one final tradition. It is to spin a dreidel, which gives the members participating a chance to win chocolate, gelt, or coins. 

Immaculate Conception is celebrated by Roman Catholics every year on December 8th. It is in tradition to commemorate the conception of the Virgin Mary. It is considered a Holy day. Many Masses are encouraged on this day. This holiday is to honor the Virgin Mary and her conception. There is a feast on this day as well.


Rohatsu, also known as Bodhi Day (December 8th), is The Day of Buddha’s Enlightenment. It is the celebration of the historical Buddha who may be known as Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha Shakyamuni. It is the celebration of the day the Buddha reached enlightenment underneath the Bodhi tree. As it is held with many different traditions, it is mostly considered a Zen Buddhist celebration. How this holiday is celebrated is that it is a week long meditation which is known as a sesshin. It is a time of continuous meditation. There may even be fasting being performed by Monks during this time as well. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day is celebrated on the 12th of December. Celebrated by Mexicans and Mexican Americans, as the holiday approaches, altars are set up in homes that hold paintings of Our Lady of Guadalupe surrounded by flowers and candles. During nighttime, before the days of the feast, a rosary is said (a prayer). Before the feast, a vigil is held and the community gathers and recites prayers. Junior Raul Lopez says “We usually celebrate by breaking pinatas and getting together to celebrate our Lady Guadalupe.”

On December 16th-24th, the 9-night-long celebration Posadas Navidenas is celebrated by Mexicans and it’s a sequence of celebrations that then lead up to Christmas day. It retracts to Catholicism and is shared for Joseph and Mary’s search on their way to Bethlehem before giving birth to baby Jesus. They also include making hot meals, drinks, and even music. Decorations are spread throughout the cities displaying their love for the holiday.


The Winter Solstice is known as the shortest day of the year which is December 21st. Celebrated mostly by Pagans, the holiday represents when half of the Earth is tilted the farthest away from the sun. Some countries have feasts that last a couple of days long and some cut mistletoe because the plant is considered healing and sacred. 


On December 23rd Mawlid an-Nabi is known as the birthday of the Prophet, it is celebrated with festivals, prayer services, recitations of poetry, and as well as religious gatherings. Most Muslims perform the holiday by teaching other groups or communities of the same beliefs about Prophet Muhammad. Depending on the area, some may decorate their houses or they may even decorate their local mosque, as food is shared, prayers are said along with reciting the Qur’an.

The time December 25th comes around means It’s time to set up your stockings and Christmas decor. Leave out your cookies and milk Because Santa Claus is coming to town. During this day the typical celebration is to open presents with your family and end the night off with good food and music and just enjoying quality time together. Junior Aubree Anderson says “After me and my family open our presents, we finish the day off by going to my aunt’s house and we play games while she cooks dinner and we all eat together as a family in her basement.”

Reginald James

Kwanzaa is celebrated for a week starting on December 26th and ending on January 1st. It is a holiday celebrated by Africans and Pan-Africans. It is a community-wide holiday that is a practice of Continental African and African American culture. The 7 principles are the main subject of the holiday: Unity, Self-Determination, Collective work/Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity, and faith. There is food, festivities, dancing, poetry, and much love throughout those days of celebration. 

Evgeniy Shkolenko

On December 27th, the Feast of The Holy Family begins. This is a time for any and all community members of Catholicism to come together. In the moment during the holiday. It is not about just the Holy Family but it shares its respect for the families within it, the ones who withhold that trust and belief in the church and Holy Family. This feast takes place on whichever Sunday is after Christmas. 


Holy Innocents Day is celebrated the day after which is December 28th. This holiday is in remembrance of the passing of young children in Bethlehem by King Herod the Great, as he was attempting to harm baby Jesus. In some countries, people choose to fast the whole day and mourn. In other countries, it is typical to allow the youngest child to have the power to rule the entire day in whichever way they want.  Some play jokes and pranks on their elders to shed some light on the day.

The last holiday that takes place in December is New Year’s Eve. On the 31st it is the last day before a new beginning. Take this time to relax with friends and family, eat good food, listen to good music, and overall have a good time in remembrance of your almost over year and start thinking about your wishes and prosperities for your new year. Many have traditions where you would eat 12 grapes in a full minute before the clock strikes 12 or to share a kiss with your partner as soon as the new year approaches bringing them into the year along with you. Senior Darrius Houston says “I pop my sparkling grape juice with my family and we watch the ball drop together, we also eat food but we don’t have any special traditions we follow.” 

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