Volleyball players rely on various pieces of equipment to excel in the game. Specific positions may require different gear to optimize performance. Players often update their equipment each season, sticking with products they have come to prefer. This equipment is crucial for player safety, especially when they have to dive on the floor during games.

Knee Pads have so many perks to them to help keep players safe. The white Nike Knee Pads are around $25-$30, they are very popular. They have a firm cushion that will not damage the knees. They are not loose on the knee, they stay wherever you put them. These knee pads come in two different colors: black and white. Players usually wear them a little bit below their kneecaps.
The Nike React Hyperset volleyball shoes are comfortable to play within the game. These shoes come in many colors: black and white. The white shoes have different color Nike symbols: blue, red, and black. These shoes cost around $135, you can purchase them on Dicks Sporting Goods and Nike websites. These shoes help with ankle support and also have an embedded cushion inside the shoe to make your feet comfortable while playing.
The Tandem Elbow pads can save your elbows. They have white and black ones, they are a little more than $20. They have a firm cushion to help when the players dive on the floor to make them feel comfortable and not hurt when they get up. The elbow pads should go right over the player’s elbow to help protect them better. Since Defensive Specialists are always diving on the floor the elbow pads will be essential for them not to hurt themselves.
Spandex are the primary shorts that girls use to play volleyball. Many players like using the Nike Pros. The Nike Pros are around $40 and can let the players stay comfortable while playing in a game or practice. Spandex can help with volleyball because they are form-fitted which can help with not tripping and shorts catching on different equipment. Since volleyball there is a lot of movement, spandex allows the players to move whenever they want at maximum effort.
Overall, I feel these products are very helpful in volleyball to help players play their best. When players first start, I think this will help them find what they are looking for. These products helped me when I played, so they will hopefully help others when they are playing as well.