One of the most unavoidable problems a current hairdresser faces is box-dyed hair. Whether the client knows or avoids the harsh problems it is causing, this makes the job of your hairdresser more difficult.
While the packaging and efficiency are enticing, the long-term effects on your hair’s overall health are at risk.

Many box dyes contain high amounts of ammonia.
Box dye developer chemicals are combined with ammonia at a higher volume strength compared to professional color, which can burn and damage your scalp and hair follicles.
These chemicals leave hair permanently damaged and do not leave your hair until it is grown out and completely cut out of the hair.
Some may think that box dye is a “one size fits all” however, this is not the case. Trained professionals are educated on the color wheel, levels of lightness, and different strengths of developers which are combined to create the perfect color.
Box dyes often produce a flat color. So, none of the flattening tones or dimensions you create can be replicated. At home, balayage, or highlight kits may seem good, but an untrained hand is unlikely to use the correct placement techniques. And again, the color will also not be tailored for the client.
The regular use of box color will continue to build up. As the processed hair becomes more porous, the more it will grab onto the color. Virgin hair from the root, meanwhile, will take the color differently. Leaving the roots lighter than the ends. They will also begin seeing a banding effect.
Let’s talk about money. While box dye is affordable averaging around $7-30. However, this is a short-term solution. Fixing box dye disasters doesn’t come cheap, with hourly rates of $100. Beyond the financial hit, box dye is not temporary; it can leave your hair follicle permanently damaged beyond repair.
Box dye is also quick and easy taking 30 minutes to an hour. Color corrections, on the other hand, can take up to four sessions. For your stylist to feel comfortable working with your hair they will make your hair “breathe” for 4-6 weeks. Some color correction appointments can take up to six hours. To get a reasonable timeline you should book a consultation so your stylist can evaluate your hair and give you the expectations for this process.
Before you reach for the tempting box dye: consult a professional stylist. Your hair and stylist will thank you.