When thinking about life after graduation, many people begin thinking about the next step. It could be continuing their education on the next level, pursuing a degree in college or university. Others may just prefer to be done with school and begin looking for work. But the path many tend to overlook is a skilled trade.
What is a skilled trade?
A skilled trade are occupations that require a special skill, knowledge or ability which can be obtained at a college, technical school or through specialized training. Some examples include Heating, Ventilation and Cooling (HVAC), Welding, Mechanics, Culinary and many more.
How do I get into a trade?
Now getting into a trade may seem like a long process; however, it really isn’t. Trade school is probably one of the best options for getting into a trade. Trade schools offer a straightforward path for the career you’re interested in, giving you hands-on experiences while also assisting you in finding a job in your respective field.
Trade school is also very time and cost efficient, as compared to universities and colleges. For example, in 2022–2023, the average annual cost of trade school was $15,070, while the average tuition and fees for a four year degree in 2021-2022 were $19,800 per year, or over $79,000 for four years. Also, trade school only lasts from around 6-24 months, depending on the certification you pursue, while a college degree tends to last 2-8 years, once again depending on the degree you pursue.
Why should I be interested in a skill trade?
Currently, the demand for workers in skilled trades are on the rise, with an expected growth of 6% of availability in jobs for electricians and HVAC technicians over the next decade. Welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers are also anticipated to see over 42,000 more job openings appear across the next decade.
These jobs also tend to pay very well with the average trade worker making almost $26 an hour in the state of Michigan, with the average trade worker making around $47,593 in Michigan, while those on the higher end make upwards of $76,264. These wages are also expected to continue to increase throughout the decade with the continued rise in demand for these careers.
People in trades also report high job satisfaction, with skilled trade workers reporting high job satisfaction and said they would choose the same career again (87%). Trades also give people more independence, allowing you to work independently or in small teams. This can be an excellent fit for people who value autonomy and prefer to work independently. In addition, skilled trades jobs give freedom to individuals looking to kick-start their careers.
Are there downsides to a trade?
Although trades do have many benefits, there are some downsides to getting into a trade. For example many trades do have a riskier side to them, making them a lot more challenging and dangerous compared to other careers.
Also, trade work often involves physical labor and can be demanding on the body. Whether it’s lifting heavy materials, working in challenging weather conditions, or navigating tight spaces, trade contractors may experience physical strain over time.
However, many measures are taken to protect trade workers. For example, The U.S. Trade Act of 1974 defines “internationally recognized worker rights” to include “acceptable conditions of work with respect to minimum wages, hours of work, and occupational safety and health.”
With the continuous rise in demand and pay, the opening in opportunities and the easy path to get into a trade, trades are definitely a path that should be considered when deciding what to do after high school. Even if unsure to pursue a trade, research some and decide based on that.