On Saturday, Nov. 24, around 3:30 a.m., four people living inside a local home in Maple Forest Township, Michigan. were surprised when they were awakened to their house being burned to the ground. Fortunately, all four residents were able to escape the home with no injuries.
A family member who was awake hours before the incident heard weird noises outside. As a result of this commotion, the family went outside to investigate. The residents of the house searched the inside and outside areas of the home but could not find the source; this caused them to go back to bed.
According to Metro Detroit News, “A couple hours later the same juvenile woke up everyone in the home stating the house was on fire. While getting out of the burning home, a suspect was seen running away from the home.”
Cameron Spencer, 18, was taken into custody for questioning. He was later arrested on multiple accounts of attempted murder, second degree arson, first degree home invasion, and multiple accounts of destruction of property.
Investigators believe Spencer’s intentions are still partially unknown, but speculations believe his focus was getting revenge due to a nasty break up. As there is no further evidence confirmed right now of details of the breakup, police continue to investigate.
Police had an idea who their suspect was due to the previous breakup between Spencer and his ex girlfriend. He was helped identified from a car crash happening that same week, however, the investigation is still ongoing with many questions still unanswered.
The family’s home was torched with all of their belongings going along with it. According to investigators it was an extreme loss.