The Russian-Ukrainian war has been happening for around 1,000 days now. Many Ukrainians and Russians have died, including civilians and soldiers. Both sides have been bombing each other and trying to gain land in each other’s country. Not until recently though, Biden has approved the use of US-made long-range missiles to be used on Russia from Ukraine.
On Tuesday, Putin formally signed a new doctrine that makes it easier for him to drop a nuclear device. The doctrine allows Russia to answer any attack with a nuke if the attacking country is backed by a nuclear power such as the United States. In response to Putin, Biden allows Ukraine to use the Army Tactical Missile System. Tuesday, Ukraine fired eight missiles at Russia’s Bryansk region. Russia’s air defenses shot down two but the other six made it. Ukraine reported that they hit an ammunition depot.
On Wednesday Biden loaned Ukraine anti-landmines to use against the Russians. The Russians have been slowly pushing more and more. Ukraine needs a way to stop armored vehicles in which most troops are located. Although, landmines are looked down upon around the world. A landmine goes off when pressed into, such as being stepped on. This means anyone can be killed by it. For instance, if you were a civilian just trying to escape a battlefield and stepped on a landmine, you would more than likely die. This is why they are dangerous to use in wars. Civilians aren’t looking for them, they can step on them.
The Russian-Ukraine war is going on every day all day. Both sides are murdering many young men, young women, children, and elders either from a bomb, a drone, or a person. I feel like it is getting worse and not better at this moment during the conflict.