On December 17-24, the Romans used to celebrate the pagan traditions of celebrating the sun god Saturnalia. Then they started celebrating the winter solstice on December 25. Then, when the Roman empire instituted Christianity as the official holiday, “the Roman church converted Saturnalia and Sol Invictus to a Christian holiday, the Feast of the Nativity, to commemorate Jesus’ birth, thus providing a spiritually positive alternative to a pagan celebration. The sinful customs and debauchery associated with Saturnalia were “cleaned up,” and some of the customs were absorbed into the celebration of Christmas. Christians have “redeemed” December 25 and have celebrated it as the birth of Christ ever since the fourth century.” What Is The Origin Of Christmas Since that day, December 24th became a Christian holiday to celebrate the day Jesus was born. Christmas is a big celebration in America and other countries such as France, England, Ireland, Japan, Greece, China, and many more.
Many of these countries celebrate Christmas in the form of gift-giving and even share the tradition of the story of Santa Claus. The story of Santa Claus goes back to when there was someone named St. Nicholas. He was a monk in Patara which is now what we know as Turkey. He was known for traveling the countryside to help the sick and poor who didn’t have the things they needed. The name Santa Claus came later because it is thought to come from the Dutch nickname for St. Nicholas, Sinter Klass. Dutch immigrants brought the legend of Sinterklaas to New Amsterdam which is now New York City. Somewhere along the way, people adopted the tradition of this man coming in the night to deliver gifts to good girls and boys. Maybe as a way to make their kids behave. The picture that we know of Santa in the red suit and hat came from North America during the 19th century. Then Coke started using the image to advertise their drinks during the Christmas season. Other countries did use different images of Santa. Like, before 1931, Santa was depicted in a variety of ways including as a tall skinny guy or even a scary-looking elf-like creature. Today, we know Santa as that jolly man in a red outfit with a sack of gifts.
Unfortunately, this tradition has taken away from the real meaning of Christmas. People sometimes forget the meaning of Christmas because people just think about Santa and lie about someone who’s not even really giving gifts when it should be about the birth and Jesus and why we give gifts. It can distract all age groups, especially kids, from the reason why we celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a well-known holiday that brings joy to others and brings people together. It isn’t just about receiving gifts; it is also about giving, appreciating your loved ones, and giving thanks for all of the blessings you have in life. Instead of looking at what you don’t have for Christmas, you should look at it from a different perspective and appreciate all of the blessings that we’re given. What is most important about Christmas is celebrating our Lord, and Savior, Jesus. A big celebration with gifts, feasts, songs, and spending time with loved ones.
If you had to choose only one, would you give, or receive?
Before you answer that, you should think about why give or receive gifts. The best part of giving is making people smile and warming their hearts. However, receiving gifts is always thoughtful and makes you feel cared for. When you’re so focused on that and the excitement for gifts on Christmas day, it can lose the value of why we should give with the purest intentions. The feeling you get when you receive a gift is the feeling you should want others to feel also.
The best part of Christmas is the celebration that we all share and spread joy to others. What is known for Christmas all world round, is spending time with your loved ones. Blood or not, it is important to show how much you care for your loved ones and how much you appreciate them, which is why we do presents on Christmas. Gift-giving is another way of showing that you care about someone, and want to bless them. Always cherish the people around you and celebrate your memories with them. No matter how you celebrate, it is your way and your tradition to make.